Self Assessment OR How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Blog

T here comes a time in every writer's life when he must take a step back and look holistically at the body of his work and decide what about it he can improve. I am no different, to the point where I would quickly offer that I could improve in every measurable metric. Self-deprecation aside, there is a quantifiable rubric available to which I can hold up my work and determine for myself if I am producing the quality of work which would merit a high mark. Let's take a look. So clearly, a Level 4 product is fairly intensive. Let's run down the list and see how I fare! My work is detailed, but not as much as I would prefer. The reason for this is twofold: lack of time and the format. Blogs are not conducive to lengthy, in depth "deep dives" of a given topic. A wiki format would suit that kind of detail much better (more on this later). Lack of time is entirely my fault, as I tend to plan in the week leading up to the due date for a post and then furiously execute th...